When Might You Need a Dental bridge?
A dental bridge is a restorative dentistry procedure used to fill the gap created by missing teeth. Bridges are commonly used as an alternative to more permanent treatments like dental implants, as they can be fixed without surgery. There are a few different dental bridges, including removable dental bridges, fixed dental bridges, and porcelain fused-to-metal bridges.
If you lost teeth, a bridge might be the answer you have been looking for to restore your smile. There are several circumstances where a bridge might be necessary:
- You are missing only a few teeth at the front of your mouth, creating a noticeable gap.
- You want to replace a tooth severely damaged or with a single-tooth bridge.
- You need to restore the structure of your bite due to missing teeth.
- If a tooth is missing due to congenital abnormalities or trauma, a bridge can help restore your smile without needing dental surgery.
Remember to discuss your options with our dentists in any of these cases and determine which treatment is best for you. Acacia Dental bridge services promise you an excellent result. A bridge may not be the best option for everyone, so it is crucial to determine the details before deciding.